From on the job stress to personal success, this site is dedicated to workplace problems, career advice and tips on working from home. A simple job blog for employees looking to enhance their skills at the workplace or seek a career change. Check out employment articles, videos and other job related postings. Seek professional advice for serious issues.
The Friendly Manager and His Harem
He compliments his staff on their looks in a way that is unprofessional. The manager and family man enjoys flirting. He rubs the backs of attractive female workers in a seductive way. He stares at certain parts of their anatomy while they walk by and sometimes bumps other male managers with a smile while commenting, "Wow...Well look at that...Nice..." And some of you know the rest.
The manager is considered "charming," "friendly," and "sweet." But a disheartened someone or a group knows different. These quiet mouths avoid him for good reason. They are careful what they say and do around him. Yet, the women aren't innocent, they are guilty for falling into his manipulative traps and they know it. Some of the women had received great titles, salaries, and more because of the clever gentleman while others, who weren't so accommodating or attractive, got next to nothing. Therefore, those scorned workers feel jilted. Yet, the gorgeous gullible women and career-driven opportunists, who obtained treats for performing tricks, wear guilt heavily on their hearts and minds. "I shouldn't of...Why would I do that? I don't want to owe this sick S.O.B for the rest of my life!" but they did. Whenever they need something he is the go-to guy, but if they have loose lips they will sink their own ships at least that is what the mean-spirited manager has told some in so many words for days, weeks and even years who got to see his dark side.
People don't always lose jobs, receive death threats, or commit career suicide for exposing others, rather for many, at least lately, victims are believed, protected, and are praised for sharing their stories. It all depends on who the harasser is and how much support or lack thereof they have. Offend the wrong people who can help you, and you just might get thrown under the bus if one is the prideful one expecting to be protected even when guilty. Yet, get on board with the right people, and the harasser is brought down low.
You might have encountered someone whether the same sex or the opposite sex who you thought was simply "nice" at work. However, in time you learned there was more to that manager/boss/supervisor/owner than meets the eye. He (or she) may have behaved disturbingly, strange, controlling and didn't mind letting you know what he or she wanted from you or someone else. Don't sweep things under the rug, do something about them! As I type, there are plenty more stories unfolding about sexual harassment at the workplace with A-listers as well as others. It looks like select individuals' "protection" no longer exists.
Eye-opening #MeToo stories about victims being ensnared in a trap of sex or else teach us a lesson or two about life and beckons us to ask the questions, "What are you willing to do or tolerate for fame, fortune, and power? How far would you go to risk your family, work and friendships? Do you have an out-of-control appetite for sex? Is your personal interests worth suffering over and how might what you do impact those you love?" When you sum it all up, it's just not worth it. So one might want to be wise when it comes to dealing with workers keeping in mind to always remain professional while leaving so-called harmless flirting, desires for sex, and overly friendly behavior out of the office and away from one's bread and butter--career.
Nicholl McGuire maintains this blog and is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet? Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and She's Crazy.
People don't always lose jobs, receive death threats, or commit career suicide for exposing others, rather for many, at least lately, victims are believed, protected, and are praised for sharing their stories. It all depends on who the harasser is and how much support or lack thereof they have. Offend the wrong people who can help you, and you just might get thrown under the bus if one is the prideful one expecting to be protected even when guilty. Yet, get on board with the right people, and the harasser is brought down low.
You might have encountered someone whether the same sex or the opposite sex who you thought was simply "nice" at work. However, in time you learned there was more to that manager/boss/supervisor/owner than meets the eye. He (or she) may have behaved disturbingly, strange, controlling and didn't mind letting you know what he or she wanted from you or someone else. Don't sweep things under the rug, do something about them! As I type, there are plenty more stories unfolding about sexual harassment at the workplace with A-listers as well as others. It looks like select individuals' "protection" no longer exists.
Eye-opening #MeToo stories about victims being ensnared in a trap of sex or else teach us a lesson or two about life and beckons us to ask the questions, "What are you willing to do or tolerate for fame, fortune, and power? How far would you go to risk your family, work and friendships? Do you have an out-of-control appetite for sex? Is your personal interests worth suffering over and how might what you do impact those you love?" When you sum it all up, it's just not worth it. So one might want to be wise when it comes to dealing with workers keeping in mind to always remain professional while leaving so-called harmless flirting, desires for sex, and overly friendly behavior out of the office and away from one's bread and butter--career.
Nicholl McGuire maintains this blog and is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet? Socially Sweet, Privately Cruel Abusive Men and She's Crazy.
Monday Motivation - Work, Wisdom and Wealth
1. You are better than you think.
2. You have a life beyond work.
3. You are good at what you do.
4. You work to eat, to live, to's really not that serious, but then again, maybe it is.
5. You're attitude is what makes or breaks you.
6. No one has power over you unless you give it to them.
7. When you can't solve a problem, look for a solution, and if that answer still doesn't work, try another and another...if all else fails, reconsider whether you should be doing what you do in the first place.
Nicholl McGuire
2. You have a life beyond work.
3. You are good at what you do.
4. You work to eat, to live, to's really not that serious, but then again, maybe it is.
5. You're attitude is what makes or breaks you.
6. No one has power over you unless you give it to them.
7. When you can't solve a problem, look for a solution, and if that answer still doesn't work, try another and another...if all else fails, reconsider whether you should be doing what you do in the first place.
Nicholl McGuire
How to Know When a Job Isn’t Worth the Money
What are you willing to put up with for $10, $15 or $20 plus
an hour? After reading a long job description, if the money is right, you go
along with it. But how do you know you are in over your head and how do you get
Nicholl McGuire is the owner and manager of this blog.
Looking around your workspace, you see what you need to do
and you might know by now how long it is going to take you to complete certain
projects. You also know too how much financial responsibility you have and how
much money it is going to take to free you out of some of it too. Now when you
first took on the job you were willing to go along with certain things,
although the pay wasn’t exactly what you wanted, but nothing else was happening
at the time. Things change.
The first thing you will want to start doing is
re-evaluating how much money you really need and start targeting jobs that are
now available that are going to pay you what you are worth. You are also going
to want to keep your eyes open for opportunities in your current position that
will pay you more. By keeping watch on what you really want and taking some
action, you will less likely become resentful of your present role.
The next thing you will want to do is ask others about what
they are doing in similar roles and learn more about other companies in your
industry. This way you will have some idea on growing changes, trends and
whether you need to walk in the office and ask for a promotion. Be sure you
have a list of the things you have been doing that will make management think,
“Yes, I think this guy/gal is worth a pay increase.”
Now you will know when a job is not worth the money when you
do the following: hear from others around the organization that there will be
an increase of responsibilities, notice you are spending more time than
necessary at work, your original duties are beginning to change or increase,
and you are finding yourself having to learn a lot more new things and they
don’t look anything like your job description.
Companies know how to get over on employees because they are
well aware that they need their jobs. They are prepared for any backlash that
might come when workers are asked to do more. They turn on the positivism in
order to persuade people to stay for less while expecting them to do more. “There
is a great opportunity that will lead to…You always wanted to do something like
this, now is your chance…This is ground-breaking, innovative…you will want to
be a part of this…We love our workers and we will give you…” Meanwhile, you sit
back and realize that all your work is saving them money, while creating more
headaches for you. Is it worth it?
Are Your Workers Really Listening with the Intent to Do?
They look like they hear you, but are they really focused?
Many leaders fail to get workers to accomplish tasks because they don't make their points clear.
Don't just tell them, show them things like: the grid, outline, image, inspiration, video, etc.
at your next informal lunch meeting.
Motivate them to do what you ask by letting them know what's in it for them if they do a good job. Treat them to another paid meal, gift cards, bonus check, tickets to a local event, or something else.
When you work for them,
they will feel inspired to work hard for you!
Finding a New Job After Being Fired
Shock, devastation, anger, confusion, depression, these are
the emotions one feels when recently faced with a job dismissal.
The former employee walks away questioning what went wrong?
He or she may not have felt at peace with the administration’s answer. The authority figures may have been vague
about their reasons or extremely detailed.
All the while, the terminated employee may be thinking what went wrong
while questioning whether his or her actions were that bad for it to come to
this. Other workers may feel as if there
was a conspiracy to get rid of him or her all along. Despite the reasons, it is now an unwelcoming
reality that one has to face. Therefore,
how does the former employee move beyond the upset and on with looking for
another job?
First, find a place of solitude after you have received the
bad news. Take control of every negative
emotion you are feeling, before you share your experience with anyone. Tell yourself, “Everything happens for a reason,
although I may not know exactly why, somehow I am going to make the best of
Second, make a phone call to meet with a confidant. This meeting
will provide you with the opportunity to vent, get what is off your chest. He or she may be a good listener and advisor,
consider what he or she is saying.
State how you feel during your exchange with a family member
friend or coworker, but don’t wallow in your anger, sadness or any other
emotion for too long. You don’t need
your situation to dominate a good time with someone. Consider that he or she
may also have some frustrations worth discussing.
While you are venting, there will be the temptation to say
something about your former employer that even your closest confidant may have
to scold you for and that is the last thing you will want to hear is an admonition
or what seems to be well meaning advice.
The reality is they are not experiencing what you are going through and
your situation is not up for debate or criticism. Avoid people who you know have been
unsupportive in the past no matter how desperate you are to make contact with
someone. This is not the time to defend
your thoughts, or get angry with the person whom you are confiding in that will
only result in a heated argument. Later,
you may feel even worse for blowing up at your confidant and will have to
apologize. Remember you may need this
person to help you financially, physically and/or mentally in the future;
therefore watch what you say and how you say it.
Third, after you have confided in everyone you have chosen,
you may be tempted to wallow in your firing.
You might not start looking for a job immediately; instead, you may want
to take a needed break, so if need be, do it.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that if you are doing something
productive other than sitting on the couch thinking about the job, calling up
former co-workers gossiping or mentioning the event every time someone makes
contact with you.
Utilize your free time to apply for unemployment, catch up
on all doctor’s appointments (before your insurance runs out), meet with family
and friends you haven’t seen in awhile, take a class in your career field or in
one you may desire. Consider taking up a
hobby such as reading books, writing, singing, dancing, painting, watching TV
(if you haven’t been doing much of that in the past), aerobics, hiking, running
and many others. However, if you aren’t ready for the intense physical
activity, then browse stores, walk the beach, tour museums and other places to
take your mind off of things.
Notice shopping was not listed, because spending money is only
a temporary fix and since you have no income coming in the last thing you need
to do is have money going out. Be sure
to take care of your necessities and save as much money as you can, because
unemployment doesn’t last forever and can be cut off before you know it.
During this time of rest and relaxation, your motivation to
get back in the workforce will be challenged.
Who wants to return back to work, when someone is helping you
financially, the beach keeps calling your name and you have enjoyed waking up
without an alarm clock? As nice as all
of this sounds, it is only temporary and if you don’t want your free time to
come to a crashing halt, dedicate hours each day, like you would working a
part-time job, applying for jobs.
However, before you begin your search you will need to know whether you
would like to stay in the same career field, switch to another or just find a
job that is not challenging in the least and will only provide you with a
Fourth, do things related to your job search. Find out how
much others are making in your occupation, what are the latest skills in
demand, create your cover letters and tailor your resume for each job that
isn’t in your career field. Too often
people will send the same general resume to every employer and wonder why no
one is calling them back. You may have
too much information on your resume for what is required or not enough. Consider the following as you job search
Have different resumes for different career fields.
Join online databases that send employment classifieds
directly to your email.
Sign up for a subscription to a newspaper.
Register with a temporary agency.
Check with family and friends to see what they know.
Purchase office supplies such as ink for your printer and/or
fax machine, mailing labels, impressive envelopes and quality white paper, and
Create a mailing list of employers that may or may not be
hiring. Print addresses on mailing
labels. Send a letter along with your resume requesting that they consider
including you in their database for a future job opening. Of course, you can always pick a great
location nearby your neighborhood and work one or two part-time jobs. The
advantage to this is you will not be stuck at one location everyday, more money
can be made this way, and some stores offer great perks.
Depending on how much money you have in savings, you may
think about starting a business from home.
A successful business doesn’t become that way if you don’t have the
necessary tools to make it happen. Spend
the time reading about what type of business you would like to start, how to
develop a business plan so that you will know what to expect in the future,
where you can get additional money to get it started, and any other information
that will help you make a determination on whether this is a good time to start
it or not.
Fifth, while you wait for responses from employers, be sure
that you can be contacted. If you have a
single phone line with no call waiting, you may want to have your cell phone
number and email address on every cover letter, resume and/or business card you
send out.
Don’t become discouraged when week three passes by and you
still haven’t heard from anyone.
Instead, you will need to change the way you have been marketing
yourself. Request a person knowledgeable
in cover letters and resumes to review yours.
Search the Internet, ask for comments from a job headhunter, or purchase
a book that will provide you with tips on how to best edit it. Asking a family member or friend isn’t the
best way to get an unbiased opinion; therefore don’t request their opinions
unless they know about your industry.
Lastly, be sure that you have tried every way to market
yourself. Have you posted a classified
of the services you can offer to your community? Have you sent a mass mailing out to employers
rather than just two or three resumes?
Did you include yourself in a variety of databases both on and offline
such as visiting temporary agencies also known as headhunters? Did you send copies of your resumes to people
who would be willing to help you market yourself? When did you last follow up with an employer
about your resume (are you keeping record)?
Are you allowing yourself to be reachable?
When you do hear from a prospective employer, be sure that
you are prepared! You have the business
attire picked out that you will be wearing, updated copies of your resume
(error free and readable,) list of references, a social security card and an
updated id or driver’s license, copies of any necessary certification or
medical information, samples of your work that is related to the position, and
a nice briefcase or similar business accessory.
Think about the kinds of questions you may be asked during
the interview, and turn every negative event you have ever had at any job into
a positive one. For instance, when asked
what would you consider one of your weaknesses?
Your answer may be, “Not knowing when to go home, I become very
engrossed in my projects and my former bosses have had to cut the lights off on
me.” The employer will be watching for
signs of mental stability, whether you are responsible, truthful, positive,
professional, goal oriented, loyal, and many other attributes that will
convince them that you will be an asset to their organization. Put your best foot forward!
10 Reasons Why You Need to Look for Another Job
If you haven't started looking for a new job, you might if the cons are starting to outweigh the pros at your current job. Sticking it out with an employer you simply don't like can wreck havoc on your health, relationship and finances. Although you are receiving payment for your services, you most likely are spending a lot more money than you should to quell your disappointment with your career choice. So here are 10 good reasons why you need to start looking for new employment today!
1) There has been talk around the office that there will be major changes and you don't have the time or energy to deal with yet another long list of things to do.
2) You stopped working as hard as you use to and it is starting to show. Your co-workers have to clean up your errors more often and have to pick up your slack.
3) No matter what anyone says to you about your work performance, attitude, etc. you have issue with them.
4) You haven't been happy in a long time about your job.
5) Your workplace woes are showing up in how you deal with your relatives or roommates. They don't like you very much these days.
6) Your child and/or pet often misses you and rather than take up time with him or her, you are increasingly annoyed with their mere appearance.
7) Your partner has threatened divorce and when you think about it, your attitude about work is tied to your moodiness. Who wants to live with that?
8) No matter how much money, bonuses, promotions, accolades, etc. you receive, you are still not satisfied.
9) You wish to be anywhere but work.
10) You started looking for a job in the past hoping problems would just go away, but got distracted. The problems are still there and you are powerless when it comes to solving them.
Now that you have read 10 reasons why setting on that mental path again to start looking for new work is occurring, start checking out those career boards. No excuses, press forward!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
1) There has been talk around the office that there will be major changes and you don't have the time or energy to deal with yet another long list of things to do.
2) You stopped working as hard as you use to and it is starting to show. Your co-workers have to clean up your errors more often and have to pick up your slack.
3) No matter what anyone says to you about your work performance, attitude, etc. you have issue with them.
4) You haven't been happy in a long time about your job.
5) Your workplace woes are showing up in how you deal with your relatives or roommates. They don't like you very much these days.
6) Your child and/or pet often misses you and rather than take up time with him or her, you are increasingly annoyed with their mere appearance.
7) Your partner has threatened divorce and when you think about it, your attitude about work is tied to your moodiness. Who wants to live with that?
8) No matter how much money, bonuses, promotions, accolades, etc. you receive, you are still not satisfied.
9) You wish to be anywhere but work.
10) You started looking for a job in the past hoping problems would just go away, but got distracted. The problems are still there and you are powerless when it comes to solving them.
Now that you have read 10 reasons why setting on that mental path again to start looking for new work is occurring, start checking out those career boards. No excuses, press forward!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
What You Don't Know Just Might Hurt Your Business

Do you ever check on managers and supervisors who have their own offices?
Do you know what they do when you are away?
Do You Really Want to Be on Top in that Industry or Working with Those People?
They told you, "This would be a good job for you." They said, "You are very talented, we want you!" You said, "This is what I want to do..." Who are you kidding? You don't even like the job much less the people, yet you stay like a victim in an abusive relationship then you get the wisdom, courage, motivation to leave, but then back to your work space you go day after day, week after week. Ho hum, ho hum.
I had a dream last night it was one of those really thought-provoking ones that was quite vivid and made me feel somewhat relieved and at peace. I saw myself riding in one of those stylish, upscale elevators decorated in steel gray with detailing in a wood grain finish inside and new multi-gray carpeting. Everything was new within and around.
The ride was very quick up to the 11th floor. Then the elevator stopped without a sound or a jolt--I could barely feel it. I realized I was at the top of a tall building. I looked in front of me and rather than see a door it was glass. I observed the white collar professionals arranged in row seating on a crowded main floor. They were sitting in high back black leather chairs behind high-end, long horizontal shaped, dark brown desks.
As I watched through three separate tall yet wide glass windows that were facing the east, west and north of me, I could see these thirty-something men and women were all very focused with those in front of them as well as the paperwork on their desks. Some of these people were somewhat stressed from the looks in their eyes and none smiled not even a little bit or frowned. They didn't exchange pleasantries with those seated in front of them which were primarily white--some older others about the same age. I felt the negative energy from the workers, they were quite tense, but the people in front of them not so much. They were talking and the workers were listening.
I must mention on the way up to that 11th floor in my dream I was excited, but the positive feelings quickly went away and my anticipation of meeting those important looking people with their white shirts and business suits was no more. I remained in the elevator and the doors never opened as the elevator went back down behind walls with no view. A slow ride down and the dream ended.
Back to reality....I awoke realizing that being on top is not what I want, but being content is more important. It didn't matter how much of my own kind I saw at the top (I saw many African Americans), that the corporate world at those levels wasn't for me.
So I say this to the weary worker, if you really want to be a genuine success in this life, try on happiness for size first! It should come before location, benefits, dollar amount, the kind of people, you would like to work around or for, and more.
Will you sincerely be happy on the top? You probably are already on your way like I was in the dream. How much research have you really done related to your industry and where is it headed? Will you be happy with the changes and will you be willing to go along with the programming? Every workplace has programming and every worker will be trained/admonished/persuaded into doing certain things that might compromise your core beliefs.
When you are in Rome and don't play like the Romans, doors don't open for you, you are nothing more than a spectator--that's me. So be willing to start from square one again when you suddenly realize, before they do, that you are not one of them. What is your real calling in life?
It's a great ride up on that career ladder until truth hurts, and a life-changing situation puts you on that ride back down again. But you will survive and with every trial you face, you only get stronger if you don't let people, places and things get the best of you!
I find myself enjoying my life these days even when it appears like nothing much is going on and money isn't all that great. I realize more and more with each passing day that success isn't in how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, or where you live, but true success is being happy with you! Contentment or authentic joy can't be found among flawed men and women and it definitely doesn't show up in a competition with others who believe themselves to be something special or demi-gods, you have to look beyond mortals for sincere appreciation of life and all that comes with it!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet? The content in the book might be your breakthrough. What are you overlooking or don't know about on the Internet that could improve your lifestyle, let this idea generating book along with this blog for bored people help you.
I had a dream last night it was one of those really thought-provoking ones that was quite vivid and made me feel somewhat relieved and at peace. I saw myself riding in one of those stylish, upscale elevators decorated in steel gray with detailing in a wood grain finish inside and new multi-gray carpeting. Everything was new within and around.
The ride was very quick up to the 11th floor. Then the elevator stopped without a sound or a jolt--I could barely feel it. I realized I was at the top of a tall building. I looked in front of me and rather than see a door it was glass. I observed the white collar professionals arranged in row seating on a crowded main floor. They were sitting in high back black leather chairs behind high-end, long horizontal shaped, dark brown desks.
As I watched through three separate tall yet wide glass windows that were facing the east, west and north of me, I could see these thirty-something men and women were all very focused with those in front of them as well as the paperwork on their desks. Some of these people were somewhat stressed from the looks in their eyes and none smiled not even a little bit or frowned. They didn't exchange pleasantries with those seated in front of them which were primarily white--some older others about the same age. I felt the negative energy from the workers, they were quite tense, but the people in front of them not so much. They were talking and the workers were listening.
I must mention on the way up to that 11th floor in my dream I was excited, but the positive feelings quickly went away and my anticipation of meeting those important looking people with their white shirts and business suits was no more. I remained in the elevator and the doors never opened as the elevator went back down behind walls with no view. A slow ride down and the dream ended.
Back to reality....I awoke realizing that being on top is not what I want, but being content is more important. It didn't matter how much of my own kind I saw at the top (I saw many African Americans), that the corporate world at those levels wasn't for me.
So I say this to the weary worker, if you really want to be a genuine success in this life, try on happiness for size first! It should come before location, benefits, dollar amount, the kind of people, you would like to work around or for, and more.
Will you sincerely be happy on the top? You probably are already on your way like I was in the dream. How much research have you really done related to your industry and where is it headed? Will you be happy with the changes and will you be willing to go along with the programming? Every workplace has programming and every worker will be trained/admonished/persuaded into doing certain things that might compromise your core beliefs.
When you are in Rome and don't play like the Romans, doors don't open for you, you are nothing more than a spectator--that's me. So be willing to start from square one again when you suddenly realize, before they do, that you are not one of them. What is your real calling in life?
It's a great ride up on that career ladder until truth hurts, and a life-changing situation puts you on that ride back down again. But you will survive and with every trial you face, you only get stronger if you don't let people, places and things get the best of you!
I find myself enjoying my life these days even when it appears like nothing much is going on and money isn't all that great. I realize more and more with each passing day that success isn't in how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, or where you live, but true success is being happy with you! Contentment or authentic joy can't be found among flawed men and women and it definitely doesn't show up in a competition with others who believe themselves to be something special or demi-gods, you have to look beyond mortals for sincere appreciation of life and all that comes with it!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet? The content in the book might be your breakthrough. What are you overlooking or don't know about on the Internet that could improve your lifestyle, let this idea generating book along with this blog for bored people help you.
What To Do When You Feel You Have Burned A Bridge With Someone
It happened one day, you said too much. You wanted to take back everything you just said, but it was too late. Everyone looked at you with a strange look of surprise, anger, and some even smirked. You heard someone mumble, “He really did it this time!” It’s what most of us fear, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. How do you rebuild a broken relationship with a boss or co-worker?
Time may heal all wounds for many people, but you don’t have much time in the workplace. The threat of being written up, suspended or dismissed, looms on the horizon. You need to start mending fences now. If you realize at that very moment what you did was wrong and apologized that was half the battle. Just as everyone was there for the negative statements, they were also there for the sincere apology. However, there is still more work to do. The following suggestions will, at the very least, put you on the right path to mend fences; however, the ultimate decision to let you back into the heart of the offended rests with him or her.
1. Make the time to personally apologize if you haven’t already. If it happened publicly, you may want to offer a public apology as well, but ask them first. They may not want to be embarrassed a second time. (If they live out of town either call or write regarding your apology.)
2. Explain to them what you meant without looking as if you are justifying the statement or covering yourself.
3. Tell them that they have every right to be angry.
4. Offer to do something for them. You may know this person well enough to invite them to dinner, participate in a chore, do them a favor, etc.
5. Follow up with them on a later date with flowers, candy or some other charming gift. (Don’t do this on a daily or weekly basis it loses its impact and you may be considered a nuisance.)
6. Make a personal phone call just to see how they are doing. Don’t mention the negative event if they don’t. Make the conversation short and simple.
7. Talk about something from the past that affected both you and the offended positively. This helps with opening the lines of communication back up again.
8. Remember he or she during the holidays or their children’s birthdays. If you have acknowledged these dates in the past don’t stop, and if you haven’t ever don’t begin. You don’t want any false assumptions made in either instance.
9. Don’t go around asking their co-workers, friends, family members, etc. about what they said about you. It may be something that will anger you and as we all know “two wrongs don’t make it right.”
10. Allow he or she some space. If you don’t typically talk to this person very often, don’t start. If you don’t see him or her often, don’t make a point to keep showing up at their doorstep, workplace or somewhere else. Allow time to heal.
Although the statement was offensive, you may not have felt there was anything wrong with what was said, avoid being insensitive around him or her and witnesses. Some people will make the mistake of apologizing then tell a mutual friend how they really feel. If your true feelings leak out to others, then the person you offended will know you were being insincere.
Use the negative event to help you see where you went wrong. If many people tell you that you need to stop making offensive comments, then you know you have a problem. However, if everyone knows you are a great guy or gal and you didn’t mean anything negative about what you said, then just make a note to yourself that the offended person is someone you may have to watch what you say around. Be careful spending time with he or she at social events, you don’t want to be misunderstood again and will have to repeat this process on rebuilding your relationship with him or her.
Nicholl McGuire is the author What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
How To Start A Conversation With Celebrity Fans - Relationship Building to Get What You Want
Your boss or someone you are trying to impress shares with you that they are “the biggest XYZ fan!” You should be thinking at that moment, “When opportunity knocks, take it!” They begin to tell you about favorite movies they have watched with the celebrity in them. They add they personally met him or her somewhere and they are “so nice!” Meanwhile, you don’t know much about the celebrity, but you may want to know more, since this big fan of XYZ’s is important to you and may be able to help you in the future.
The following tips are great conversation starters and ideas on how you can get on the excited fan’s good side. When performed gradually and not daily or every week, you will build a positive relationship with that important person and will not appear to look like the teacher’s pet or a stalker.
1. If the celebrity is an actor, pick a few specific scenes from movies that he or she has performed (other than the nudity shots) that will start a conversation. Know the names of some of their early movies. If the celebrity is a singer, comedian or dancer, know about a few places they have entertained audiences throw some years in so that you look like you know what you are talking about. For athletes, politicians, speakers, ministers, etc. mention books they have written, most exciting moments on television, opportunities you may have got to meet them, etc.
2. If you remember the celebrity, on a talk show, mention the conversation he or she had with the host. Comment on what was said and how he or she looked. If you can’t remember, visit a website that you can search for past television shows in the celebrity’s name.
3. Find a collectible, whimsical gift, book, magazine or product the celebrity may have created. The fan will appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, when buying books, don’t buy unofficial autobiographies. They are not celebrity endorsed. Also, don’t burn copies of DVDs and music it is illegal and most of all tacky.
4. Know some general facts about the celebrity. Birthdays, where they were born, how they got their name to fame, personal likes and dislikes, marriages, divorces, etc. Also, look for little known facts, like the nickname their mom gave them or a funny event that happened to them in grade school.
5. Find current news about the celebrity. Is she pregnant? Is she getting married? Does she have a new film? When will his new album be released? Where will the band perform?
6. Rumors are interesting, but be careful how you deliver them and which ones to select when conversing with the fan. If you should mention one, ask rather than tell. “I heard that XYZ was seen doing… you think that is true?”
7. Invite them to see a movie or a concert with the beloved celebrity performing.
8. If the excited fan says at any time, “Oh, I didn’t know you were a XYZ fan…” Nonchalantly say, “I like to read about celebrities from time to time.” You don’t want your intentions to lead to false hopes for the fan such as, “We can start a fan club?” or “Let’s hang outside her home or visit her on the set!” Nor, do you want future conversations to become nothing more than about a celebrity. Find a way to ease your intentions into each conversation. This is just a start in trying to build a positive relationship with this person.
9. Surprise the fan by taking them to a place the celebrity may have visited, auditioned, a past movie set, a place she grew up or a business they have established.
10. Share information with the fan about your favorite celebrity. Who knows, maybe one day you might receive a really nice gift.
Since so many people adore celebrities, you might as well use what you know to get on someone's good side! Utilize the tips and hopefully one day you will reap the benefits of creating a positive connection with someone (who might be a bit difficult to work with).
The following tips are great conversation starters and ideas on how you can get on the excited fan’s good side. When performed gradually and not daily or every week, you will build a positive relationship with that important person and will not appear to look like the teacher’s pet or a stalker.
1. If the celebrity is an actor, pick a few specific scenes from movies that he or she has performed (other than the nudity shots) that will start a conversation. Know the names of some of their early movies. If the celebrity is a singer, comedian or dancer, know about a few places they have entertained audiences throw some years in so that you look like you know what you are talking about. For athletes, politicians, speakers, ministers, etc. mention books they have written, most exciting moments on television, opportunities you may have got to meet them, etc.
2. If you remember the celebrity, on a talk show, mention the conversation he or she had with the host. Comment on what was said and how he or she looked. If you can’t remember, visit a website that you can search for past television shows in the celebrity’s name.
3. Find a collectible, whimsical gift, book, magazine or product the celebrity may have created. The fan will appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, when buying books, don’t buy unofficial autobiographies. They are not celebrity endorsed. Also, don’t burn copies of DVDs and music it is illegal and most of all tacky.
4. Know some general facts about the celebrity. Birthdays, where they were born, how they got their name to fame, personal likes and dislikes, marriages, divorces, etc. Also, look for little known facts, like the nickname their mom gave them or a funny event that happened to them in grade school.
5. Find current news about the celebrity. Is she pregnant? Is she getting married? Does she have a new film? When will his new album be released? Where will the band perform?
6. Rumors are interesting, but be careful how you deliver them and which ones to select when conversing with the fan. If you should mention one, ask rather than tell. “I heard that XYZ was seen doing… you think that is true?”
7. Invite them to see a movie or a concert with the beloved celebrity performing.
8. If the excited fan says at any time, “Oh, I didn’t know you were a XYZ fan…” Nonchalantly say, “I like to read about celebrities from time to time.” You don’t want your intentions to lead to false hopes for the fan such as, “We can start a fan club?” or “Let’s hang outside her home or visit her on the set!” Nor, do you want future conversations to become nothing more than about a celebrity. Find a way to ease your intentions into each conversation. This is just a start in trying to build a positive relationship with this person.
9. Surprise the fan by taking them to a place the celebrity may have visited, auditioned, a past movie set, a place she grew up or a business they have established.
10. Share information with the fan about your favorite celebrity. Who knows, maybe one day you might receive a really nice gift.
Since so many people adore celebrities, you might as well use what you know to get on someone's good side! Utilize the tips and hopefully one day you will reap the benefits of creating a positive connection with someone (who might be a bit difficult to work with).
Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
6 Tips to Fight Paycheck Blues - Sudden Expenses, Bank Fees
Are bank fees eating up your paycheck? If so, there are some things you can do to discipline yourself so that you are not faced with unnecessary problems robbing you of your hard-earned money. The key is to be assertive with yourself and others and keep an eye on that calendar too!
1) What is due next? Do you have reminders set? There are apps and online calendars that you can set to recur daily, weekly, and monthly to stay on track with your bill payment dates.
2) Have your partner or close friend hold you accountable. With a friendly or strict reminder from a loved one, you will most likely do what you are supposed to so that you won't end up arguing a useless defense one day. "Okay, I confess, I mess up my money...that's why I need your help!"
3) Put money aside based on your needs (utilities, rent, emergency savings...) not wants (Paris trip, designer shoes, luxury vehicle...) List your needs. This way you know you are going to spend about the same amount of money each paycheck. If you have money left over, then use it to gain more money to finance your dream like start seeking ways to invest it. Always anticipate sudden expenses, you never know what might happen right around the corner. Here is a system worth trying-- a financial budget.
4) Pay your bills online. This helps with keeping track of where your money is going. Filter your deposits, now take a look at your credits. Notice the changes you can make with your spending. Do take a moment to note any adjustments you can make to save money. You might need to cut off some things for awhile, change companies, or sit down and converse with someone about the current cost of things.
5) Search for banks with high interest checking and/or savings account. Place money with banks that don't charge monthly and overdraft fees.
6) Lastly, if you simply can't stand your bank any longer, switch banks. Here is one worth noting and I personally recommend. Easy to manage, set up checking and savings account online with no need to sit down and talk to someone. Take a look at site.
Take the time to learn more about managing your money. In time, you will be so glad you did when you see all the money you have saved and invested.
Nicholl McGuire
1) What is due next? Do you have reminders set? There are apps and online calendars that you can set to recur daily, weekly, and monthly to stay on track with your bill payment dates.
2) Have your partner or close friend hold you accountable. With a friendly or strict reminder from a loved one, you will most likely do what you are supposed to so that you won't end up arguing a useless defense one day. "Okay, I confess, I mess up my money...that's why I need your help!"
3) Put money aside based on your needs (utilities, rent, emergency savings...) not wants (Paris trip, designer shoes, luxury vehicle...) List your needs. This way you know you are going to spend about the same amount of money each paycheck. If you have money left over, then use it to gain more money to finance your dream like start seeking ways to invest it. Always anticipate sudden expenses, you never know what might happen right around the corner. Here is a system worth trying-- a financial budget.
4) Pay your bills online. This helps with keeping track of where your money is going. Filter your deposits, now take a look at your credits. Notice the changes you can make with your spending. Do take a moment to note any adjustments you can make to save money. You might need to cut off some things for awhile, change companies, or sit down and converse with someone about the current cost of things.
5) Search for banks with high interest checking and/or savings account. Place money with banks that don't charge monthly and overdraft fees.
6) Lastly, if you simply can't stand your bank any longer, switch banks. Here is one worth noting and I personally recommend. Easy to manage, set up checking and savings account online with no need to sit down and talk to someone. Take a look at site.
Take the time to learn more about managing your money. In time, you will be so glad you did when you see all the money you have saved and invested.
Nicholl McGuire
Workplace Foolishness - Time to Start Looking
When things appear to be getting worse instead of better at a workplace, one must weigh the pros and cons of remaining there. You may have to leave before you secure a new job depending on how bad it is. But whatever you choose, be sure the decision you make is right for you and your family.
1. People making good on threats.
When you have customers, employees, or others doing things to systematically destroy your reputation, you have a problem Houston particularly when you have no supportive network at work.
2. You simply aren't making enough to put up with all the mayhem.
Now calculate your paycheck and your pain once again. Hmm. Is it worth it?
3. You find yourself coming home arguing with the spouse, hurting the pet, and eating all hours of the night. Can we say depression?
4. You can't manage situations anymore. The workplace operates like a circus with no conductor.
5. Your issues repeatedly fall on deaf ears. Nothing seems to get done no matter how you spin it. Management doesn't care. Human resources useless. What gives?
6. You look in the mirror and you see just how much you have aged since taking on this job (sigh).
You don't need anymore reasons to re-evaluate whether you should continue to put up with workplace foolishness. Hey check the Indeed job search box on this site. Who knows today might be yourlucky blessed day!
Nicholl McGuire maintains this blog and is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
1. People making good on threats.
When you have customers, employees, or others doing things to systematically destroy your reputation, you have a problem Houston particularly when you have no supportive network at work.
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Now calculate your paycheck and your pain once again. Hmm. Is it worth it?
3. You find yourself coming home arguing with the spouse, hurting the pet, and eating all hours of the night. Can we say depression?
4. You can't manage situations anymore. The workplace operates like a circus with no conductor.
5. Your issues repeatedly fall on deaf ears. Nothing seems to get done no matter how you spin it. Management doesn't care. Human resources useless. What gives?
6. You look in the mirror and you see just how much you have aged since taking on this job (sigh).
You don't need anymore reasons to re-evaluate whether you should continue to put up with workplace foolishness. Hey check the Indeed job search box on this site. Who knows today might be your
Nicholl McGuire maintains this blog and is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
The Big List of Companies that are Hiring in 2017
Monster has provided a list of 100 companies that will be hiring in January. But don't be disheartened if you wait a bit, lists like these stick around for a long time. So if you are seeking a new job, start looking today. Also, check out our career partner on this site, Indeed. Their search box is available near the top of this blog for your convenience. Leave this window open and Monster's website at the same time and start surfing! Have a blessed and happy new year! 100 Companies Hiring in January |
Your Manager, Supervisor, or Team Lead Ain't Your Friend
Your boss isn't your babysitter, spouse, brother, cousin, ex-lover, high school buddy,or someone else that you may know. No matter how much someone at work reminds you of a loved one, that is no excuse to treat him or her like a loved one. Remind yourself and others, work is work. Be kind, friendly, but respectful of the fact that a work relationship is not like any of your social relationships. Far too many people are let down with this reality check when they don't get the response to their requests in the ways they may think or the favor they believe they deserve.
With talk of more lay-offs in this country and elsewhere, it would be wise to be the best employee you can, but remember when the axe falls, don't take it personal, it's just business. A wake-up call to those who mistakenly think the wrong things about the leaders in their organizations. Read the following points and let the reality sink in, feel free to share with someone who is a bit too chummy with others.
With talk of more lay-offs in this country and elsewhere, it would be wise to be the best employee you can, but remember when the axe falls, don't take it personal, it's just business. A wake-up call to those who mistakenly think the wrong things about the leaders in their organizations. Read the following points and let the reality sink in, feel free to share with someone who is a bit too chummy with others.
- He isn't smiling at you because he wants a new wife.
- So you went out to lunch with the business owner, don't be surprised if you never see him or her again.
- She isn't laughing at your corny jokes because she hopes you will ask to take her out one day.
- Your co-workers never forgot about your emotional outbursts no matter how much they act as if they like you. It never is quite the same after a blow-up, now is it?
- Management isn't going to overlook tardiness and poor performance just because you dress so well, get along with most people and bring doughnuts.
- Just because someone in your group was picked to lead a team doesn't mean leaders like them so much that they will remain in that position for always.
- You may have had a good time with a CEO or some other power player in your organization at the last holiday event, but that doesn't mean he or she will keep in touch.
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