Showing posts with label workplace stress tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workplace stress tips. Show all posts


Workplace Burnout: A few solutions before you say something you might regret

This has always been an area of struggle for me, but I have found some ways to alleviate the burn out from one day to the next especially when I was working in some pretty stressful atmospheres with phones ringing, bosses yelling, and crazy people staring at you with nothing to say that made any sense.

One of the things I did was remove myself from the situation that was causing me stress. I would politely ask my boss, "Am I free to go at this time? Need to take a breather..." My bosses usually understood, because not to long after I got back they disappeared for awhile too.

The second thing I did was take a book with me to work, so that I could escape thoughts of work during my breaks.

Although I didn't always take my break like I should have, I tried very hard to use them. Legally they are yours so why not take them? Those breaks helped me often especially when I wanted to really express how I felt about an event or something someone said to me.

The last thing I did was visit a few places I had never been to before during lunch, on off days or after work. Sometimes a change of scenery will make you forget about some of those things that put you in a bad mood in the first place.

Nicholl McGuire


Back Office Outsourcing: Lessen the Load of Back Office Work

An organization functions on the basis of an amalgamation of tasks besides the usual core areas. Though strategies play an important role in the smooth functioning of the said company, there are other aspects whose contribution in the success of an organization can’t be overlooked. Surely, back office jobs are the kind of operations which assist in a constant development and growth of a company and require qualified personnel at every step of task execution. Since the growth parameters of an organization depend upon the productive operations and cost effective strategies, continuous technological innovations during the process help sustain the pace. In this endeavor of organizations worldwide, back office outsourcing professionals are of immense help due to their cutting edge expertise.

Innumerable tasks such as entering the payroll, making traveling plans and entering data on information are involved in the back office jobs category. Keeping the cost operations under control, releases pent-up energy of an organization further helping in establishing a firm foothold within a market. Back office outsourcing involves a number of tasks like efficient management of important, non-core business processes. Besides these, finance and accounting, human resources and information technology are the essential backbones of the procedure. Customized modules are created for the benefit of companies which further improve their costs as well as time saving mechanism. Companies worldwide, take the assistance of back office outsourcing services in performing innumerable business processes such as accounting outsourcing services, financial aid services for post-secondary education, HRO and IT services. The service is an apt solution for those who wish for a constant improvisation in their back office tasks.

Back office outsourcing services are quite cut out to carry out certain important functions which can save the organizational costs up to 50% to 60% of their total expenditure. This in turn, dramatically improves the delivery schedule of the given projects with a quality that speaks for itself. In this endeavor, the outsourcing professionals have set up the benchmarks quite high for themselves which is the reason behind their reputation in the market. Another reason why the companies go whole-hog with the outsourcing services is the minimization of paperwork in their offices. A continuous stress on the development of company strategies always puts time factor at premium for these organizations. Since there is a sustained focus on the development of core functions such as project timeline, operations, product development, customer relationships as well as internal leadership, other important areas tend to get overlooked. Outsourcing processes are guaranteed way to take into account these overlooked aspects as well.

Back office outsourcing services are meant to provide customized work packages for the client needs. The professionals working with these firms assist in decreasing the overall costs while improving the work quality of the crucial projects. The experts are adept in carrying out tasks which require skilled handling towards providing customized professional expertise to the business ventures. Suggestions flow freely from them which come handy in later years towards solving complex back office problems. Functions which are of significance with the se professionals include complaints, enquiries, and orders, besides others.

Michelle Barkley is a CPA who advises people on tax preparation and tax calculation. She specializes in Bookkeeping outsourcing, back office outsourcing and outsourced accounting. To know more about Accounting outsourcing, tax return and Tax return outsourcing to visit


The Causes Of Workplace Stress And How Best To Prevent This From Happening

The modern world is work focused and employment based. We spend the majority of our waking hours at the workplace and this has its own benefits and problems. One of the most common of these problems is workplace stress. This is a chronic ailment caused by conditions that negatively affect your performance and overall well-being. It can also affect an individuals' psychological and physical health, as well as organization's effectiveness. Workplace stress is affecting a whole spectrum of the population ranging from doctors to plumbers

Workplace stress is now recognized globally as a condition that can affect all categories of workers, in all types of jobs. Stress is a source of tension and frustration that may arise through a number of interrelated influences on behavior, including the individual, group, organizational and environmental factors. This usually leads to loss of concentration, sleeplessness, and it can also increase the risk for illness, back problems, accidents, and lost time. Workplace stress is now one of the most prevalent reasons for lost working days, which hinders the progress of the organization as well as the individual.

There are various reasons for workplace stress and one of them is management. This usually happens when managers behave in an authoritarian way, offer no constructive support or advice to the work force or deny promotional opportunities to the deserving members of the company. This is when employees become frustrated or cynical towards the organization. Another reason for workplace stress is overbearing or jealous work colleagues. Office gossip can be harmless fun if kept within reason but if it is constantly directed towards one particular person then it can be quite damaging and lead to a lot of workplace stress for the person concerned.

There are steps that organizations can take to prevent or minimize the effects of workplace stress, so that they have more contented and happier employees. Some of the ways to achieve this is to make sure that your workforce have a voice and are heard, they are aware of their importance to the organization and are seen as unique and exceptional. Some of the policies that can help towards this are to include flexi-time, working from home, stress coaching, on the job support, keeping jobs open during sick leave, provision of quiet rooms, exercise provision, training initiatives and social activities.

Workplace stress can also be caused because of the work place atmosphere, for instance noisy, dirty, messy areas can all contribute towards job stress. It is therefore a good idea to keep the work areas clean and tidy to have a healthy, relaxed and stress free working environment.

Employees can also contribute towards minimizing and preventing workplace stress. Worker s should refrain from harassment or bullying. They should not tease, insult or even threaten others due to their sex, religion or race. Under no circumstances should they spread malicious gossip in order to destroy another's good name.

By working together, employees and management can minimize and prevent a lot of workplace stress. Organizations should always be looking for ways that lead to a workforce that is happy, healthy and therefore more productive.

Nim Aulakh is a writer and webmaster. Find out more about the causes of workplace stress and how to deal with it. There are so many easy ways to prevent job stress. One easy way is by having aromatherapy stress relief