Showing posts with label workplace burnout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workplace burnout. Show all posts


Workplace Burnout: A few solutions before you say something you might regret

This has always been an area of struggle for me, but I have found some ways to alleviate the burn out from one day to the next especially when I was working in some pretty stressful atmospheres with phones ringing, bosses yelling, and crazy people staring at you with nothing to say that made any sense.

One of the things I did was remove myself from the situation that was causing me stress. I would politely ask my boss, "Am I free to go at this time? Need to take a breather..." My bosses usually understood, because not to long after I got back they disappeared for awhile too.

The second thing I did was take a book with me to work, so that I could escape thoughts of work during my breaks.

Although I didn't always take my break like I should have, I tried very hard to use them. Legally they are yours so why not take them? Those breaks helped me often especially when I wanted to really express how I felt about an event or something someone said to me.

The last thing I did was visit a few places I had never been to before during lunch, on off days or after work. Sometimes a change of scenery will make you forget about some of those things that put you in a bad mood in the first place.

Nicholl McGuire


Back Office Outsourcing: Lessen the Load of Back Office Work

An organization functions on the basis of an amalgamation of tasks besides the usual core areas. Though strategies play an important role in the smooth functioning of the said company, there are other aspects whose contribution in the success of an organization can’t be overlooked. Surely, back office jobs are the kind of operations which assist in a constant development and growth of a company and require qualified personnel at every step of task execution. Since the growth parameters of an organization depend upon the productive operations and cost effective strategies, continuous technological innovations during the process help sustain the pace. In this endeavor of organizations worldwide, back office outsourcing professionals are of immense help due to their cutting edge expertise.

Innumerable tasks such as entering the payroll, making traveling plans and entering data on information are involved in the back office jobs category. Keeping the cost operations under control, releases pent-up energy of an organization further helping in establishing a firm foothold within a market. Back office outsourcing involves a number of tasks like efficient management of important, non-core business processes. Besides these, finance and accounting, human resources and information technology are the essential backbones of the procedure. Customized modules are created for the benefit of companies which further improve their costs as well as time saving mechanism. Companies worldwide, take the assistance of back office outsourcing services in performing innumerable business processes such as accounting outsourcing services, financial aid services for post-secondary education, HRO and IT services. The service is an apt solution for those who wish for a constant improvisation in their back office tasks.

Back office outsourcing services are quite cut out to carry out certain important functions which can save the organizational costs up to 50% to 60% of their total expenditure. This in turn, dramatically improves the delivery schedule of the given projects with a quality that speaks for itself. In this endeavor, the outsourcing professionals have set up the benchmarks quite high for themselves which is the reason behind their reputation in the market. Another reason why the companies go whole-hog with the outsourcing services is the minimization of paperwork in their offices. A continuous stress on the development of company strategies always puts time factor at premium for these organizations. Since there is a sustained focus on the development of core functions such as project timeline, operations, product development, customer relationships as well as internal leadership, other important areas tend to get overlooked. Outsourcing processes are guaranteed way to take into account these overlooked aspects as well.

Back office outsourcing services are meant to provide customized work packages for the client needs. The professionals working with these firms assist in decreasing the overall costs while improving the work quality of the crucial projects. The experts are adept in carrying out tasks which require skilled handling towards providing customized professional expertise to the business ventures. Suggestions flow freely from them which come handy in later years towards solving complex back office problems. Functions which are of significance with the se professionals include complaints, enquiries, and orders, besides others.

Michelle Barkley is a CPA who advises people on tax preparation and tax calculation. She specializes in Bookkeeping outsourcing, back office outsourcing and outsourced accounting. To know more about Accounting outsourcing, tax return and Tax return outsourcing to visit


Can There Be A Psychopaths At Your Workplace?

Do Psychopaths exist in the workplace? Better yet can a psychopath appear in your life at your workplace?

Psychopaths are usually seen in roles of self centered individuals who care about no one but themselves who do great harm. Their motto may well be “I don’t do anything that is not in my interest and that I do not get my piece – right away”. Or it may be that this deviant behavior is below the surface and never noticed or apparent.

It is often said in retrospect that the “Axe Murderer” was a quiet person who kept to himself, may have been a good family man and bothered no one.

Psychopaths are usually seen in serial killers, rapists or sadists in Hollywood movies. They appear in the media and literature. Think of an early model as the Zodiac Killer in the Bay area of San Francisco. However these same people and personalities are never expected to cross our paths in real life. Yet it is estimated that approximately 1 percent of the general population fits the mold. It’s only a matter of time until you cross paths with a psychopath in real life at your workplace or place of employment.

What exactly is a psychopath? In clinical psychology a psychopath is defined as a condition characterized as a condition characterized by a lack of empathy or conscience, poor impulse control and / or manipulative behavior.

How can you determine whether a fellow worker is a workplace psychopath? A leopard does not lose their spots. Similarly psychopaths, either on the loose or under fire may well indicate or revert to certain personality traits and behaviors.

First of all does the person show no remorse no matter how much they exhibit mean behavior – whether it be victimization, talking behind the backs of fellow employees or worse and backstabbing. Is the person more than an excellent talker – a story teller of lies? Even if caught with lies and deceit do they show no remorse – just switch tack with another tale – as if everyone else is both foolish, a mark and that they are smarter than everyone else. It’s as if the world is there to be plundered – for their enjoyment and pleasure. Watch for the pleasure that such people take in their deeds of trouble. Everyone makes mistakes or may be forced into situations that they would prefer not to be in. The difference is that these people relish and are proud of these deeds and events – when it should be the other way around.

Sometimes these people are loners. Some of the times they will even function in groups. It can even be family groups to rip off and plunder everyone else outside of their close (or perhaps not close and self hating) group of vagabonds and carpetbaggers. Such individuals and groups can be seen to prey on people’s weaknesses and insecurities – especially low self esteem. It’s as if the undertone is “If you do not do what I want …. Give me possessions or money that I want … You cannot be part of the group ….. Or you will face abandonment.”

It’s not uncommon in the workplace but these people have an abnormal, almost pathological fear of failure. “I must be number one” is their constant internal motto. Along with that they may well rush to take credit for other people’s work and successes. Again these traits are not those of psychopaths – yet the pattern of such behavior and personality traits along with the rest of the ball of wax should raise alarm bells in your mind.

The problem is that these psychopaths do not only negatively affect a few people in the organization. Given a level of authority in modern large corporations the effects and damage that these psychopaths can be great. If a psychopath considers everyone else, especially people they have outdone or outsmarted as downright foolish or even stupid rather than helpful souls who were taken advantage of and in addition the psychopathological culprit shows no guilt for making decisions that negatively affect the company, shareholders or employees then this is a recipe for great disaster and heartaches . Think of Tyco, Adelphia Communications, Enron and WorldCom.

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Understanding Burnout Associated With The Workplace

Burnout associated with the workplace is a common issue. This is normally a result of stress that is experienced in the workplace. When an employee suffers from work-related burnout, they often feel as if they are emotionally and mentally exhausted. In addition to this, it is also quite common to experience a true, physical exhaustion as well. When this common experience appears in an individual's life, a general sense of apathy may overwhelm them. They may feel disheartened, and lack the motivation to perform even their basic responsibilities. Here, you will gain an understanding regarding burnout in the workplace.

When an individual experienced work-related burnout, it is a condition that has developed over time. It is not likely that an employee will become overwhelmed with burnout overnight. This is mostly a slow process that develops more and more as time progresses. This is a direct result of stress that is experienced in the workplace. Deadlines, dealing with uncooperative coworkers, unfavorable work conditions, and personal unhappiness in the work environment can all lead to burnout. This condition can affect all areas of an individual's life - job performance, relationships in the workplace, personal relationships, and even a person's health.

There are many signs and symptoms associated with work-related burnout. If you are in charge of employees, it is important that you gain an understanding of these signs. If you are an employee in the workplace, you should also learn the signs and symptoms associated with burnout. The more quickly that you are able to recognize that burnout is becoming evident, the quicker you can work to resolve the issues that you are facing. Listed below are some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with this common, and every real issue:

- One of the first signs of burnout is when an individual becomes frustrated. This frustration may be self-directed, directed to others, or towards the company in which they work.

- The second sign that an employee may be experiencing burnout is when their performance starts to falter. In many cases, this sign may be the most evident. A once reliable individual who completed work in a timely fashion that displayed a high level of quality may begin to take longer completing tasks, and the quality of their work may decline rapidly.

- Many individuals who experience workplace burnout may start expressing the fact that they feel as if they are "trapped" in their work situation. If an individual feels "trapped", this is a bad sign. It is important to be happy and content with the work that we do. If we feel anything else than this, it is important to seek assistance as workplace burnout is becoming evident.

- Those that experience this common work-related issue may start to detach themselves from friends, relatives, coworkers, social situations, and more. Social detachment is not a good sign. This is especially true when an individual is normally not socially withdrawn from others.

- Many who experience workplace burnout may seem extremely irritable. This may show in the means of rapid moods, and similar situations. If there is no apparent cause for this type of personality change, the issue may be related to workplace change.

- Many individuals may feel as if there is no hope for their current situation. They may walk in and out of each and every single day feeling a lack of motivation; many individuals may witness this behavior in the workplace and realize that it is uncharacteristic of the individual. This is a probable sign of work-related burnout.

- If you feel as if you have absolute no power, you are not getting anywhere, and you find yourself constantly feeding negative thoughts and emotions, you may be experiencing workplace burnout.

- Many individuals who experience burnout often start experiencing many different kinds of failures. These failures may be directly related to their work performance, or they may be experienced in their personal life.

There are a number of causes that may lead an individual to experience burnout associated with the workplace. The following reasons may be associated with this type of work-related stress:

- Many individuals set their goals in the workplace too high. Setting high goals or having others in the workplace place too high of goals is a common factor in workplace burnout.

- Many individuals may feel as if they are stuck in a particular job because they are unable to afford a change in careers, or they are unable to pass up the benefits that a job poses. For these individuals, workplace burnout may be experienced.

- Many individuals who have proved to be dependable and provide a high quality of work may be expected to consistently asked to perform additional work on top of their standard responsibilities. While many are flattered by the fact that they are given more work, this work can often become exhausting.

- There are many who do not feel personally challenged by their work. This type of work can become dull and a person may not feel as if they have anything to look forward to. This can result in workplace burnout as well.

Workplace burnout is a common issue that must be dealt with. If you are in charge of employees, it is important to know and understand the basics of workplace burnout. If you are an employee, it is important that you know and understand the basics as well. By understanding the conditions that cause this to occur, the symptoms associated with the condition, and how to overcome it, you can beat work-related burnout!

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for self improvement and personal growth and development.