
How To Start A Conversation With Celebrity Fans - Relationship Building to Get What You Want

Your boss or someone you are trying to impress shares with you that they are “the biggest XYZ fan!”  You should be thinking at that moment, “When opportunity knocks, take it!”  They begin to tell you about favorite movies they have watched with the celebrity in them.  They add they personally met him or her somewhere and they are “so nice!”  Meanwhile, you don’t know much about the celebrity, but you may want to know more, since this big fan of XYZ’s is important to you and may be able to help you in the future. 

The following tips are great conversation starters and ideas on how you can get on the excited fan’s good side.  When performed gradually and not daily or every week, you will build a positive relationship with that important person and will not appear to look like the teacher’s pet or a stalker.

1. If the celebrity is an actor, pick a few specific scenes from movies that he or she has performed (other than the nudity shots) that will start a conversation.  Know the names of some of their early movies.  If the celebrity is a singer, comedian or dancer, know about a few places they have entertained audiences throw some years in so that you look like you know what you are talking about.  For athletes, politicians, speakers, ministers, etc. mention books they have written, most exciting moments on television, opportunities you may have got to meet them, etc.

2. If you remember the celebrity, on a talk show, mention the conversation he or she had with the host.  Comment on what was said and how he or she looked.  If you can’t remember, visit a website that you can search for past television shows in the celebrity’s name.

3. Find a collectible, whimsical gift, book, magazine or product the celebrity may have created.  The fan will appreciate your thoughtfulness.  However, when buying books, don’t buy unofficial autobiographies.  They are not celebrity endorsed.  Also, don’t burn copies of DVDs and music it is illegal and most of all tacky.

4. Know some general facts about the celebrity.  Birthdays, where they were born, how they got their name to fame, personal likes and dislikes, marriages, divorces, etc.  Also, look for little known facts, like the nickname their mom gave them or a funny event that happened to them in grade school.

5. Find current news about the celebrity.  Is she pregnant?  Is she getting married?  Does she have a new film?  When will his new album be released?  Where will the band perform?

6. Rumors are interesting, but be careful how you deliver them and which ones to select when conversing with the fan.  If you should mention one, ask rather than tell.  “I heard that XYZ was seen doing… you think that is true?” 

7. Invite them to see a movie or a concert with the beloved celebrity performing.

8. If the excited fan says at any time, “Oh, I didn’t know you were a XYZ fan…”  Nonchalantly say, “I like to read about celebrities from time to time.”  You don’t want your intentions to lead to false hopes for the fan such as, “We can start a fan club?”  or “Let’s hang outside her home or visit her on the set!”  Nor, do you want future conversations to become nothing more than about a celebrity.  Find a way to ease your intentions into each conversation.  This is just a start in trying to build a positive relationship with this person.

9. Surprise the fan by taking them to a place the celebrity may have visited, auditioned, a past movie set, a place she grew up or a business they have established.

10. Share information with the fan about your favorite celebrity.  Who knows, maybe one day you might receive a really nice gift.

Since so many people adore celebrities, you might as well use what you know to get on someone's good side!  Utilize the tips and hopefully one day you will reap the benefits of creating a positive connection with someone (who might be a bit difficult to work with).

Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?

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