Showing posts with label layoffs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label layoffs. Show all posts


Numbers Don't Lie - Watch How Many Minorities are Laid Off or Terminated From Positions as Compared to Others

It happens a company has to let go of jobs in order to save money, change current systems, relocate, and more.  However, when you begin to see a pattern at different places you have worked, your eyes aren't deceiving you!  Minorities, women, seniors, those with vested interest in the company, temps, and students are usually the first to be let go before others irregardless of those who perform good work performance and have exceptional attendance. You have to know it is systematic and also bias. Here are some links to articles that share some facts you might have overlooked or didn't think to consider.


Blacks hit hardest by public-sector job losses during recession, study finds

Apparently You Can Get Laid Off While Pregnant

Who's Displaced First?

Last Hired, First Hired

Postal job cuts would weigh on minorities, vets

Laid Off, With Retirement Almost in Sight

What are my rights as the minority shareholder who is being laid off by majority shareholder?

Wrongful Terminations

CNN Hit With $5 Million Bias And Wrongful Termination Suit

Workers Sue McDonald's for Racism, Sexual Harassment, and Wrongful Termination

Is your company next to lay off some people? See Daily Job Cuts

How to Tell a Layoff is Coming


Professionals in Transition: Signs of Massive Layoff

Knowing What You Want to Do After Lay-Off

After 30 years of being employed without ever experiencing a lay off, a guy whose name I will call, Fred, would be told one day that his work at XYZ company is complete.  His position will be no more and that he had best start looking for work elsewhere.

It happens, people lose their jobs sometimes with notice, sometimes without.  Once the warning has been received to find a different place of employment, most people hit the ground running.  However, there are those who are so shocked by rejection that they just sit there.  Very little effort is made to seek new employment, start up a business of their own, or help others with their ideas. 

Some, who have been recently laid off, might think they are really putting their best foot forward by checking a few job boards, going on periodic interviews, and attending a networking event "When I feel like it..." but the truth of the matter is, only the strong survive and are successful because they have found something that they truly want to do! 

The individual, who moves at a snail's pace headed toward something he or she doesn't really like, has little regard for other people's time, and doesn't believe that he or she can find something in their field, will miss out!  One's faith must be strong, believing that "I will get to where I want to be..."  All the while this person respects others and geuninely shows interest in helping meet their goals as well as feeling good about his or her role.  He or she must be willing to give up frivolous worldly pleasures to pursue what the Spirit within calls them to do. 

Innately we all know we are destined to do something, but how much time and effort do we put into doing what we know to be right (what might fulfill us mentally, physically and spiritually) as compared to what we logically think we should do or what others tell us we should do?  Most people go with what they think is feasible, easy, and doesn't require much leg work.

Consider your position, what you have been trained to do for months or even decades, is it truly what you like to do or is it just something you do to put money in your pocket?  Any job dismissal is a blessing in disguise.  It causes one to re-evaluate what is his or her true purpose.  You will never know what sincerely makes you happy if you don't make the time to re-discover who you are and what is it that you truly like to do.

Nicholl McGuire


Layoffs, Dismissed -- What to Do Now?

It happened and there is nothing you can do about it.  One of the worst things that people do when they are let go from a company is complain, sit around, and do nothing!  Hit the ground running!  The moment you, who still have your job, hear news about people being laid off, you should be making every effort to make a smooth transition out of your old job and into your next one!

The best time to look for a job is when you already have one, but for those who don't, they will need to do something that will keep their minds fresh, body trained to wake up on time, and keep connections with others professionally and privately positive.  Just because someone you know had a hard time finding a job, got a divorced, ended up in the hospital or whatever else that happened--doesn't mean that these things and others will happen to you!

So what do you do while you collect pay without a job?

1.  You set goals for yourself to view as many sites as you can online for jobs of interest.  You purchase newspapers of the areas you desire to relocate to, if necessary. You utilize job search tools, headhunters, and employment agencies to assist you.  This workplace blog has some resources listed.

2.  You budget money in ways that reduce your monthly expenses.  In other words, you rid yourself of some of your smaller monthly bills.  You look around your home for items to sell and donate.  When you can give something away, do it, blessings have a way of coming back to you!

3.  You search for ways to make additional money, without paying for some over-hyped service or product--always do your research first before joining any business on or offline.

4.  Don't sleep on snail mail or fax machines.  If you have an address or a fax number, use it!  Send cover letters and resumes.

5.  Follow-up with contacts.

6.  Tell people you know/trust you are in search of a job and supply them with copies of cover letters and resumes.

7.  Depending on how much you are receiving after being let go, you might want to look into some government aid.  You paid into it, so you might as well use it!

8.  Be sure you check emails, voice mails, and all communications on a daily basis.  Time is money and when you don't have much, it can all get away from you!

9.  Don't grovel about the past, share personal details/updates about your life, or do other things that tarnish your reputation with previous bosses and co-workers.  Stick to business, always stick to business!  Remember, people you work with are not your friends!

10.  List personal life goals.  When you do this, you just might be open to career changes.  Do research about a position you might be curious about.  Update your resume and cover letter to reflect the duties required to obtain a certain position.

To your success!

Nicholl McGuire, see other blogs: Laboring to Love an Abusive Mate and Parents, Babies and Children