
Office Temporaries: How to Protect Yourself Against Dishonest Co-workers

Expected to do some questionable things on your new temporary assignment? If so, here are several things you might want to do to cover yourself.

1.  Don't agree to do anything that you know full well is breaking the law, handbook, and other similar things.  Notify the temporary agency immediately and be prepared to quit the assignment even if they convince you to stay.

2.  Document who asked you to perform an illegal or questionable act, what the person said and include the date and time the conversations took place and where. Be sure to keep detailed notes what was asked of you and save the information elsewhere.

3.  Make copies of anything that will support your case especially if law enforcement is involved.

4.  Speak with a trusted attorney, someone who doesn't have a long-term relationship with someone who works there or is affiliated somehow with the corporation.

5.  Watch your back.  Even though you might assume some people would never do anything to hurt you or your family, never underestimate them.

Remember, you agreed to work to assist an organization, not to protect dishonest people and do their dirty work.

Nicholl McGuire


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Nicholl McGuire
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Workplace Cleanup

Imagine a work place where everything is in disarray (no, I’m not talking about my desk), where yesterday’s garbage has yet to be collected and where the floor reflects the rainy condition the past few days. Both management and employees will clearly have a hard time concentrating on their work when presented with such circumstance. The solution for this situation is to janitorial cleaning services.

For a company, productivity is almost always equated to profit. But how can one earn profit if the employees themselves are not motivated to deliver quality service? I’m not asking that the management increase the salaries of their employees (but if they’re willing and able, I’m not the one complaining) I’m just suggesting that they start with the working environment. Another would be the perception of the clients. If your company boasts cracked floors, chipping walls or unsanitary lavatories---no customer will make the mistake in doing business with you. Again, you need to get someone offering janitorial services. Be it daily, weekly, bi-monthly or during board meetings, commercial contractors office cleaning experts will certainly give you an ambience as corporate as any business should be.

Now, how will one choose the perfect commercial cleaning service? Here’s my shot at answering that question. More often than not, everyone will go for the company who provides impeccable maintenance and who utilizes cleaning supplies office management prefers. This is easy to say, but hard to accomplish. The administration must note what the company and its employees really need. One salient point inherent in a good cleaning service is that they assess the workplace before doing, touching or even cleaning anything. Their experience cleaners will recommend what has to be done in accordance to your company’s preference. Also, they will apply only the finest of office janitorial supplies to address your requests. Take time to know what cleaning crew you’ll be hiring. List question you want to ask pertaining their services. The Q&A could be done through email or phone. Though I advise that a personal consultation/estimate be done in the actual building. If you’ve searched the web for said service, a chunk of industry players offer free estimate. Take advantage of these offers, remember, they are free. But one must be careful. The lowest estimate does not mean that you’re getting a good deal; same applies with an overly expensive janitorial services. Paying a large portion of your savings does not necessarily equate to premium, first-class cleaning.

Going back to the assessment issue, an average commercial cleaning knows how to sanitize the carpet but it takes a good cleaning company to recognize when to stop cleaning and start replacing. This is also applicable to wall paintings when chipping gets underway and floor tiles when it begins to break. License, bonded and insured. Three words that could make or break a business. The phrase is aimed towards both the janitorial cleaning service and their customers. Without these, no client will dare bring their business to your establishment. When an accident happens (hope it doesn’t), be it in the form of injury to an individual or to property, the customer will have the recourse, which is to claim damages from the cleaning company----provided the latter is fully insured.

Sometimes, no research could come close to a well-recommended and referred company. Ask your sister company or subsidiary (if you have one) or you may opt to solicit such from your previous boss or management.

Whatever you choose, just remember the purpose behind all of these. This is not for profit alone; this is for both the employees and management to provide them with a professional environment conducive to effective service.

For more information, check out this site on janitorial cleaning services. Sheryll Cross is a web copywriter for a web design company associated with a Georgia-based company offering janitorial cleaning office cleaning, janitorial services, janitorial


Time Management Tips For Women - Grab These 8 Time Management Tips Today

Do you ever feel as though you couldn't possible cram one more thing into your day? With a woman's busy workload the thought of just grocery shopping can send you over the edge. Learn some time management skills and quell those out of control urges. You don't have to feel short on time and stressed out any more.

Stress can sometimes make you feel so overwhelmed you want to run screaming through the streets. You start to get that queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your head begins to pound and you just know you're going to be sick. Road rage begins to take over when you feel like ramming your car into the rear end of the truck that just cut you off.

It's time to take a deep breath and regroup. It's time to learn some time management skills to help keep those uncontrollable feelings of doom and anger in check. These tried and true time management tips for women could be your saving grace.

Here are 8 Time Management Tips to follow right now:

1. Make yourself a list of everything you want to accomplish that day. Making a list will help put things in real-time and enable you to see if your schedule is realistic.

2. Prioritize your list. Do the important tasks first or when you have the most energy in your day.

3. Break down the tasks even further into bite-sized chunks. Doing things this way, you schedule doesn't seem quite so daunting.

4. Piggyback smaller trips and tasks for the day. Make all your phone calls at one time. Map out your route and plan your trips to the grocery store, shopping mall, kid's activities and so on, so it takes the least amount of time to complete.

5. If at all possible, handle paperwork only once. Don't waste your time opening junk mail. Throw it away immediately and unopened. You'd be amazed at the time you waste just peeking inside.

6. Try to avoid impromptu visits. If someone stops by or calls and you have a full load that day, arrange another time for your visit or phone call. I'm sure if you explained things they'd understand and commiserate with you.

7. Try to be prepared for potential stressful situations. Rehearse what you might say or do should the need arise. Make sure you have all your necessary resources at your fingertips.

8. Know when to ask for help. You'll know when you simply have too many priorities. Enlist assistance from your co-workers, kids and sweetheart and complete your tasks.

In my estimation the most difficult of these tips is number 8 - enlisting help. We all think we're superwoman and can do it all. Truth be told, you probably can do it all and probably a whole lot better than others; however, you'll only be able to do this for so long until your body says "no more". The object is to complete all your tasks in a timely manner and maintain your health and sanity in the process. Then your free time is your own.

At Charlotte Winslow learned how to stop the physical and mental clutter in her life. There's no longer a reason for you to be short on time and stressed out. Try some time management tips today.

Stop the Work Insanity - A Stressed Out Womans Quest For Peace and Tranquility

When you wake up in the morning do you ever experience a feeling of dread? Like you just don't know if you can put in another day like yesterday? I have felt that way before. Then I found a way to help myself.

What causes turmoil and grief in your life? Are you, too, on a stressed out woman's quest for peace and tranquility in your life?

Before we can begin to heal ourselves we must first reveal what is causing our work-related stress.

- Do you never seem to have enough time in the day to get everything done?
- Is your job a little bit too demanding at times?
- Do you feel you have too much responsibility for all the more control you have been given?
- Do you have personality conflicts with others?
- Do you like your co-workers and boss?

These factors can often cause health issues that just sort of creep up on you until you find yourself going to the doctors because you just don't "feel good" anymore. Symptoms, such as a headache, neck strain, sleeplessness, and upset stomach are just a few signs of a woman with undue stress.

In order to get a handle on the situation you must learn something very important in your quest for peace and tranquility. You must learn Acceptance.

To learn Acceptance you must:

Keep things in perspective. Think to yourself, "will this make a difference and affect my life 5 years from now?" Many of us worry about things that never come to pass. If you can imagine the worst possible outcome and can deal with this possibility, you've accepted the situation for what it is and can move forward. Worrying about it will not change the outcome. It will only make you sick.

Use a mantra or self-assuring phrase. Repeating a mantra to yourself in bad times can be calming. If unsure of one to use try one of these:

Someday we'll all laugh about this
Remain calm and relaxed
Things could always be worse
Invent one of your own

My mother was always telling me something of this sort when I was growing up. Perhaps yours did, too. Think back on those times and reflect. Perhaps all those sayings we thought were silly back then actually had some meaning. For your health's sake, pull them out, dust them off and put them to good use.

Stay positive. Smiling in the face of negativity is next to impossible, but letting your negative emotions rule your feelings only complicates matters. If you stay focused on the positive side, your positive attitude may become contagious, making your work environment easier to handle.

Working with the general public as well as in a closed office environment, Charlotte Winslow has dealt with many different kinds of individuals and has, on many occasions, wanted to Stop The Work Insanity. If you, too, are a stressed out woman on a quest for peace and tranquility, could be your answer.