
The Wake Up Call About a Dead End Job

What a breakthrough when you finally come to that cross roads in your career where you ask yourself, "What on earth am I doing?  This job sucks!"  Well, good for you if this has recently happened to you. 

When I first realized I was in a couple dead end jobs, I was a mere 19 years old working for two companies that paid very little.  I wasn't the least bit happy to find out at the time that I wasn't going to make much more money after college either.  So you know what I did?  I put on my entrepreneurial hat and started thinking like a business woman.  I wasn't about to let others dictate my future for me and I definitely wasn't going to stick it out with jobs just for money sake.

Life is too short my friend.  When you know that you just can't stand to see yourself five years from now in the same job, it is time to do something different!

Nicholl McGuire manages her small business Nicholl McGuire Media publishing web content for individuals and businesses in need.

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