
New Job Resolution - Create a Plan and Stick to It

Tired of the environment you currently work?  Looking to do some things differently?  If so, it is time to create a plan that will get you on your way to better opportunities.

First, take a look at how you spend your day.  How much time are you spending surfing the Internet and watching TV?  Adjust your schedule so that you are doing job search related activities. Schedule time to do things like update your online career profile, resume and cover-letters.

Next, plan to speak with others at the companies that you plan to work or check sites that provide reviews.  You don't want to make the same mistake by connecting with a company that doesn't pay workers well or offer quality benefits.

Third, search social media sites like Linked In, Twitter and Facebook to see if there are postings about companies and jobs you may want to perform.

Fourth, consider seeking supplemental income just in case you feel the need to want to leave your current job sooner rather than later.  You can view pages on this blog for additional information or conduct a search on this site.

Lastly, don't assume that you will find a job quickly.  Most often it takes six months or more to become employed again.

Do remember to budget money accordingly just in case an employer is planning a layoff or termination.

Also, discuss with your social circle on what your needs might be for future employment so that they will be on the look out for you.

Take a moment to check our partner's job search browser just above this blog entry.  You can put in your desired position or check for "work from home" opportunities.

Nicholl McGuire is not only the blog owner but a freelance writer and content marketing manager. She also owns Nicholl McGuire Media an online publishing firm.


Workplace Problems and Solutions Blogger with a Wish for a Great Year

I just wanted to take this moment to thank the contributors of this blog and all those who have shared their entries.  I am so glad that so many professionals have found it useful.  I look forward to an even better and more productive year!

At this time we are welcoming any contributors who would like to be featured for their workplace highs and lows.  Also any individual or business who would like to purchase ad space, do make contact.

Feel free to reply to this post or contact me at

Nicholl McGuire is the manager of this blog, a self-published author, inspirational speaker, and business owner originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has been a featured guest on television and radio talk shows such as CBS and WPXI Channel 11.


5 Things that will Sever a Good Partnership with Administrative Assistant, Secretary

She or he is your right hand man or woman promptly meeting your demands, addressing those who you don't want to deal with, and setting the record straight with your staff when you aren't around or don't want to handle situations.  Yet, one day something happens that changes your once healthy work relationship on a different course.  Now your administrative assistant or secretary may not like or respect you as much as she once did.  Why?

Let's reflect back shall we?

Think of a time you said or did something that crossed boundaries with your worker.  Maybe you commented harshly about his or her work, made a false accusation, used the individual to cover your dirt, etc.  Sometimes management can be ineffective, difficult, needy, or bizarre about responsibilities, feedback, and other work related matters.  So what might you be doing to destroy what remains of a so-so or bad relationship with an administrative professional?

1.  You defended favorite staff members even when they often break rules, act disrespectful and more.  Your admin or secretary came to you with unflattering information about a worker you really liked and rather than weigh the evidence, address the matter or receive the feedback, you defended your personal favorite and may have went so far as to tell your admin or secretary, "Mind your own business!"  What are employment instruction booklets and rules for again? 

2.  You went too far with your deadlines and demands.  You have many things lined up and you expect your admin/secretary to do it all.  Then when he or she rejects some of your requests, you are offended rather than consider how long and how much of a workload this person already has--who is really at fault about missing deadlines?

3.  You repeatedly attempted to cover up your lies, mistakes, and other issues and used your admin or secretary to do it.  Many workers do have a conscious and if your work ethics are lacking and you get your workers in on your mess, sooner or later they are not going to keep playing along.

4.  You never admit when you are in the wrong.  From your schedule to what you told him or her, you just can't accept the fact that your admin/secretary is on top of things.  That's why you have this individual, because keeping track of everything on your own is challenging, so why hurt those who can help you?

5.  You burned your worker out.  He or she is emotionally and physically drained possibly with you, the workplace environment, or one's concerns falling on your deaf ears.  You are either going to do something to manage the situation or let the work relationship burn.

Consider this sound advice if you strongly want to keep your busy professional around, but if not, there are plenty more out there.  If you choose not to change certain habits, conduct at work, policies and procedures and staff concerns, you just might attract more problems for yourself and the team in the future.

Nicholl McGuire is a business owner, manager of this blog and virtual assistant.

10 Tricks on Waking Up Earlier - Stop Being Tardy for Work

10 Effortless Tricks to Waking up Earlier

The Wake Up Call About a Dead End Job

What a breakthrough when you finally come to that cross roads in your career where you ask yourself, "What on earth am I doing?  This job sucks!"  Well, good for you if this has recently happened to you. 

When I first realized I was in a couple dead end jobs, I was a mere 19 years old working for two companies that paid very little.  I wasn't the least bit happy to find out at the time that I wasn't going to make much more money after college either.  So you know what I did?  I put on my entrepreneurial hat and started thinking like a business woman.  I wasn't about to let others dictate my future for me and I definitely wasn't going to stick it out with jobs just for money sake.

Life is too short my friend.  When you know that you just can't stand to see yourself five years from now in the same job, it is time to do something different!

Nicholl McGuire manages her small business Nicholl McGuire Media publishing web content for individuals and businesses in need.