
Mobbing-U.S.A. - Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace

You don't want to appear like the trouble-maker or the "tattle-tale" but some people at your workplace seem to have it in for you.  Sometimes it is simply one's appearance, background, response to situations, or lack of emotion that just sets off a troubled individual to come after you.  When one doesn't like you, he or she may talk to others about you, so that before long there is a group of people that have issue with you never bothering to think that they have been negatively influenced and possibly manipulated into thinking the worse of you.  Now what?  Do we start acting extra nice to those individuals--an attempt to restore our reputation?  Do we confront the bully?  How about a meeting with the supervisor who just so happens to be the friend of the ring leader?  If you are having issues like these, you must visit the following webpage and while your at it, use your faith--for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal!

Mobbing-U.S.A. - Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace

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